Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things That Stick In My Craw - Grocery Shopping

If the express line has 10 items or less, make sure you have 10 items or less. No, five of the same item do NOT count as one item. Don't argue with me about it, either.

If the express line has 14 items or less and I have 14 and you have less than me, don't walk in front of me saying, "You don't mind, do you?" Because I DO mind and I will tell you get back in line behind me. It's a different story if I ask you if you want to go in front of me. Again, don't argue with me.

If I've forgotten my "green" bags at home and have to use the store's regular plastic or paper bags, don't give me a lecture on saving the world, etc. Just don't even think of doing it.

I don't wear an apron or a store employee shirt, so don't stop to ask me where something is. Unless you want to pay me for the answer.

I live here. I know most of the employees at my local stores. If I want to chat with them *while* they are ringing up my items, I will chat with them. Stop making impatient noises because you're an ass. If you're in that much of a hurry, go elsewhere to shop. We won't mind.

If you're using a cart and get to the end of the aisle, please pause and look both ways before exploding out of the aisle and barreling along. You may hurt someone. If it's me, I won't be happy about it.

If you do bump into me, do me the courtesy of saying, "Excuse me." Don't glare at me like it's my fault when it was quite obviously yours. I will say something to you. And it won't be nice.

If there's a senior citizen that needs help getting an item that's high on a shelf, is heavy, etc, why not lend a hand instead of rushing past them? I try to help when I can and you know what, it not only makes their day, it makes my day, too.

If the deli/bakery counter has a "take a number" system, take a damned number like the rest of us. Don't just walk up to the counter and give your order. We have been patiently waiting. And we *will* say something to you. You probably won't like it, either.

When you unload your groceries into your vehicle, please put the shopping cart in the cart corral or bring it back to the outside of the store. Don't leave it behind or beside someone else's car, or in the empty parking stop next to you just because you're a lazy dumbass. I don't care if it *is* snowing or raining or whatever. Have some courtesy for the rest of us. And yes, I *do* return the cart to its proper place.

If you are using the Redbox DVD vending machine and looking at what movies are currently available and can't decide and there are people behind you, step aside and let the rest of us do our business, then return to your browsing.

If I'm in a regular line with a full shopping cart and you have only a couple of items and are too impatient to wait in the express line because it has people patiently waiting there, don't cut in front of me. I will not be happy and I *will* say something. And you will not like it.

What's sticks in your craw about grocery shopping?


Bob Johnson said...

What gets me are people who don't have their payment ready. Once you load your groceries on the grocery belt, please, for crying out loud, get your wallet out and cash, checkbook or credit card so that you can pay and the rest of us can go on with our lives.

Anonymous said...

I have one for you! If you're behind me and I've put my items on the belt, and there is no spacer to put behind my items, don't get pissy at me. And don't push your grocery cart against me to push me forward, especially if there is no room to do so. Stop being rude!

Sticky Things said...

Woman Faces Prison Time for Cutting in Line at Walmart -

Anonymous said...

People who block access to the belt while they pay for their items - move forward so I can start unloading my cart. That's why the little table for checkbooks is on the *other* side of the belt.

And don't stand at the payment spot counting your change when the cashier is already scanning my stuff. Move forward a bit so I can start loading the filled bags in my cart.

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