Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Things that stick in my craw - Twitter

When Twitter became all the rage, and since my work is in cyber crime, I opened an account. I still don't know why. Because this is what sticks in my craw about Twitter:

1. Too many spammers, porn profiles, etc are allowed to be opened on Twitter. There should be a better way of monitoring that kind of stuff.

2. When you do get one of the above "following" you, there is no way to report the person on the pulldown link next to their profile name. All you get is "Mention," "Send a direct message," "Follow" and "Block." Of course, I block the idiot, but I want to report them as well. Twitter sucks at that.

3. If you find someone is following you, it's great. But if you log into your profile and see your followers numbers have fallen, you can't tell who dropped you. And if you have a lot of followers, that's impossible to figure out. So now you probably are following someone who dropped you. I want to know so that I can drop them for dropping me. Hey, tit for tat, or is that Twit for tat?

4. Speaking of Twits, if you're going to get a Twitter account, learn the lingo. I got this direct message from someone who started following me: "Thank you for following me! I do read all my Twitts and respond to them, let's start a great relationship." Um, it's "Tweets" you moron.

5. I'd like to add the web sites of my volunteer organization, but you're only allowed one web site to post. Pfft.

6. Most of the things people post is drivel. I still don't get Twitter. Unless you're into reading what celebs are doing every minute of the day, what's the purpose?

7. For the people who post all the time on Twitter, don't you people have jobs or something else to do with your life? Geezus.

8. I really don't want to read your Tweet about what came out of your butt this morning. I mean, come on, people. That's gross and I *will* stop following you.

9. Twitter needs to have a verification service for people who opens accounts with them (so do Myspace, Facebook, etc). If I start following Keith Urban, it had better be the real Keith Urban and not some stalker pretending to be him.

10. That said, follow me on Twitter!


Anonymous said...

Twitter needs to have a verification service for people who opens accounts with them

They have it. It'll say "Verified Account" for famous people.

Case in point: Wil Wheaton

-- Cass

ravyn said...

i agree with a lot of your points about Twitter. Also i'd like to see something akin to the "mutual friends" tool that Facebook has. When i get a follow, if they're not obviously a spammer, i check their stream to see if they're talking to anyone i know, or sometimes i look through their follower list for someone i know. A mutual friend/follower tool would be useful (to me at least, heh).

And just in case you haven't see this one already, this comic pretty much sums up Twitter.

Still, i like Twitter :-)

Sticky Things said...

But that's only for *famous* people. It should be for everyone. We see too many normal folks being impersonated on Twitter. It's not good!

Sticky Things said...

LOL on the comic - it's perfect!

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a way to do a search on my previous Tweets when I'm looking for a specific one rather than having to go through them all.

Netcrimes said...

What about news sites that when you click on the "Share" button for posting to your Twitter account and they just copy the URL and not also the title of the article? It's a pain in the ass to have to go back to copy the title of the article. The URL means nothing to people who follow me unless there's a title or explanation with it.

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