Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things that stick in my craw - parking idiots

What is it with people and parking lots? And I'm not just talking people driving cars. Pedestrians, too. But let's start with the drivers first.

You bought a new car and you don't want it to get dinged. . .just yet. If you're going to take up two spaces by parking diagonally, do it at the far end of the parking lot where no one else parks. Or someone will purposely shove a shopping cart into it.

If you see someone waiting patiently for a parking space, be polite and let them have it. Don't be an ass and steal it just because you happened to come the other way and have a better angle to get it. Or someone may purposely shove a shopping cart into your car.

Make sure you park between the two lines that designate the parking space. Don't be an ass and park so close or over one line that I can barely squeeze into my car or have to get in on the passenger side because you're a total numbnut.

I hate people who pull into a space, then drive through to the next. This is bad especially when I'm trying to park in the space you just pulled through to. Now you know why I gave you the finger.

Please be careful opening your door(s). I make sure I don't hit the car next to me. Do the same, please. Don't make me angry.

If I'm coming back to my car and you are busy gabbing away on your cell phone or talking with whoever in your car with your door open so that I can't get into my car, shut the damned door. Let me get in my car.

If the sign reads NO PARKING, then it means NO PARKING. Especially in the Fire Lane in front of the store. Or in the crosswalk. You are NOT special. You're an ass. Drop your passenger off and find a proper parking space.

Look behind you and left to right before pulling out of your space if you're backing up. Don't just put it in drive and step on the gas, you ass.

Now to the pedestrians.

If you see a car backing up (that's what those lights on the back are for), stop and wait. The driver may not see you or they may just be an ass and didn't bother looking to see if you were there. Don't keep walking behind the car so that one or both of you give the finger (or worse)

Don't walk in the middle of the lane where cars drive. This also applies to families who are four, five or more abreast and take over the whole lane. For gods sake, single file, people. Keep to the right or the left. Let the cars have the right of way.

Don't post a spouse, friend or child to stand in an empty spot while you drive around to get to it. Play fair. Or your special person might get run over. Or hit with a shopping cart.

And what is it with these specially marked parking spots for pregnant woman? Do you get a special permit for this? How do you know if the woman getting out of the vehicle is really pregnant? Or maybe she's just chubby? Are you going to ask her? And at what point of the pregnancy are they allowed to park there?

This goes for the spots for mommies with young ones in strollers or carriages. I may just have to put my Cabbage Patch Doll in a carriage so that I can get special parking, too.

You know what? Why aren't there spaces for people who don't qualify for a Handicap sticker/hangar, but who are obviously incapacitated? Such as someone on crutches, walking with a "boot" from a foot operation, limping heavily, walking with a cane, etc. We want equal rights!

Don't just assume a car is going to stop when you come out of the store to go to your car. Stop. Look. Wait. If the car stops to let you go by, please wave a "thank you" to them and go on your way. If they don't stop, wait until the coast is clear, then go.

If you are sick and tired of idiots in parking lots, then this site is for you:

and this one:

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